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Musical Moments @ Adas Israel

Brought to you by Cantor Arianne Brown and the Musical Moments Committee

Music is an integral part of our community. When our voices join together, we feel embraced by each other’s energy and a communal spirit that uplifts us. Join us for an inspiring and uplifting array of musical programs at Adas Israel. We hope to see you here!


Upcoming Events


Facing the Music: Inclusion Celebration Shabbat meets Shabbat Shirah! 

Shabbat Shirah, February 8th-9th

Sunday, February 9th, 10:30-11:30am, Kay Hall | Register Here

We welcome celebrated Jewish Musician Dave Schlossberg to our Shabbat morning service, with Dave’s inspired piano accompaniment as well as the premiere of a newly composed piece for this very occasion. Dave will deliver a poignant and powerful talk & Sermon-In-Song, “Facing The Music: How I Regained My Faith After A Life-Changing Injury,” about his personal journey through Spinal Cord Injury, which doubles as a cautionary tale against drunk driving. The presentation will be coupled with an informal concert featuring original compositions, classic renditions of famous Jewish melodies, and audience participation.  



Pharaoh's Daughter Live:
A Shabbat of Song and Spirit with Basya Schaechter & Ensemble

Saturday night May 10th – 8:45pm | Register Here

Pharaoh’s Daughter, Basya Schaechter, comes to Adas Israel for Shabbat and an electrifying Havdallah concert entitled Songs of Desire.  In this concert length program Pharaoh's Daughter explores the power of this ancient love trove, by setting rich, evocative, descriptive and enigmatic verses to their signature psychedelic sound that mixes eastern and western influences and deep groove and improvisation. In this project they also translate phrases and choruses into other Romance languages... thus highlighting the universality of love and song.  Basya will participate in Kabbalat Shabbat, and her 7 piece world music ensemble joins her for this energizing evening.


Musical Moments @ Adas Israel

Get Involved!


Kolot: The Young Voices of Adas Israel

 Sundays, 11:45am-12:30pm: (1/5 , 2/2, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4 (2025)

Kolot will meet on select Sundays from 11:45am-12:30pm, and will sing as part of our Purim spiel on March 13th, and as part of the Shabbat morning service on May 17th. To register, please email Jessica Lefkow with your singer’s name and grade. Snacks included! 



Flash Choir

Did you sing in your high school choir or college a cappella group? Perhaps you just enjoy singing with others and even harmonizing on your own? Or maybe you have formal training and time makes it difficult to immerse yourself in music? This is a group for you! The Flash Choir is a commit-per-event choir. The only requirement is being able to sing on key. Contact to join!



DC Klezmer Workshop

Workshop dates (2024-2025 Season): Sundays 2-4pm on 9/15, 11/17, 12/15, 1/12, 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/18, 6/15

The DC Klezmer Workshop is an open community orchestra dedicated to learning the traditional and modern tunes and techniques of Yiddish instrumental music, and then playing for fun and occasional dances. Monthly workshops (2-4:00 PM in the Gewirz Beit Am) often feature some of the best international performers and teachers.
Other special workshops and practice sessions as announced. Contact to join email list for latest information.



Adas Israel Strings Workshop

Calling Adas Israel strings players of all ages!

Calling Adas Israel strings players of all ages! We have an opportunity for you to connect through the love of music, and to prepare to play at future Adas events.Rehearsals for 2024 : Sundays 1:30-3:00pm on 11/8, 11/24, 12/8, 12/22 Please contact Adas member and strings instructor Margot Mezvinsky at with your name, instrument, and level.See you there!

We have an opportunity for you to connect through the love of music, and to prepare to play at future Adas events.


Archived Videos


Oz V’Shalom Premiere

Click Here to Watch the Video

Composed by Sam Glaser with the Adas Crowdsource Composition Workshop
Sponsored by the M.B. Lewis Charitable Foundation in loving memory of Bessie C. and Phillip S. Lewis



Sim Shalom Premiere

Click Here to Learn the Music & Watch the Video

Sim Shalom - composed by Noah Aronson and the Adas Crowdsource Composition Workshop

Sponsored in loving memory of Sophie and Howard Amchin


Virtual Choir


"L'Dor Vador" - Adas Israel 3rd Grade Virtual Choir

Click Here To Watch

Each year, Adas Israel's 3rd graders learn and sing Josh Nelson's "L'Dor Vador" for Chagigat HaSiddur. We are pleased that many of our 3rd graders continued that tradition, virtually!



"Ma Ashiv" Virtual Choir

Click Here To Watch

We hope you enjoy this performance of "Ma Ashiv" (composed by our very own Cantor Arianne Brown!) sung by our talented Adas community at Pesach.



Adas Israel Virtual Choir
Od'cha by Stephen Glass

Click Here To Watch

We hope this music will stand as a unique and meaningful experience of blending our Adas voices in holy song at this time. 



"Halleluyah" by Adas Israel's Virtual Choir
Click Here to Watch!

Thank you so much to our Adas Israel Virtual Choir for the energy and beauty they have shared with their faces and voices. We hope this music will stand as a unique and meaningful experience of blending our Adas voices in holy song at this time. When you look back on this time of isolation, we hope you will think of our virtual choir as a shining bright spot. Halleluyah!




"We Are Adas" Virtual Choir
Click Here to Watch!

This year, the Ma'alot class worked with Micah Hendler and Raise Your Voice Labs to write and produce an original song. See the final result here!


Special Programs 


Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend at Adas Israel

Click Here To Watch

Martin Luther King Shabbat Collaboration with Roderick Giles & Grace Gospel Choir.




“Light the Legend” Livestreamed Hanukkah Concert

Click Here to Watch the Archive

As we light our menorahs together and say goodbye to Shabbat, we embrace the ways we can celebrate Chanukah together this year.  Light the Legend features a celebration of Hebrew, English, Ladino, and Yiddish music. With an array of professional musicians and singers, community faces and voices, as well a singalong grand finale of beloved Chanukah standards!



Shalom Aleichem

Click Here to Watch



In the Light

Click Here to Watch



Miriam's Song

Click Here to Watch



Mizmor Shir

Click Here to Watch


Composers' Corner

Composers’ Corner Havdallah with Zach Mayer
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Hazzan Joanna Dulkin
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Rabbi Yosef Goldman
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Laurie Akers
Click Here To Watch

Composers’ Corner with Cantor Sol Zim
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Cantor Sarah Myerson
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Cantor Meir Finkelstein
Click Here to Watch

Roderick Giles, of Giles & Grace Gospel Choir Light
Click Here To Watch

Composers’ Corner with Cantor Gerald Cohen
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Eliana Light
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Dr. Michael Isaacson
Click Here to Watch

Ellen Allard: “The Queen of Jewish early childhood music”
Click Here To Watch

Composers’ Corner with Cantor Magda Fishman
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Noah Aronson
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Ramón Tasat
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Zamar Ben
Click Here to Watch

Composers’ Corner with Cantor Elana Rozenfeld
Click Here to Watch

High Holy Days 5781

The month of Elul begins the journey toward the High Holy Days. Prepare for the spirit of these days with the lineup below of beautiful music videos and songs.

"B'rosh Hashanah" by Adas Israel's Virtual Choir


Untaneh Tokef with Cantor Arianne Brown

P'tach Lanu Shaar 

Hayom T'amtseinu

Sim Shalom


Avinu Malkeinu


Kol Nidre

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785