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Directions to Adas Israel

Driving Directions

From Maryland or DC

Adas Israel Congregation is located at the corner of Connecticut Avenue and Porter Street in Northwest Washington, DC, approximately five miles from the Connecticut Avenue (south) exit on the 495 Beltway. Going south on Connecticut Avenue, make a left onto Porter Street then the immediate next left onto Quebec Street. There is a parking lot behind the building.

From Virginia

From Northern Virginia, take 395 North to Memorial Bridge, follow signs to Rock Creek Parkway. Exit Rock Creek Park at Porter Street, heading towards Connecticut Avenue. At the intersection of Porter Street, Connecticut Avenue and Quebec Street, turn right onto Quebec Street. Follow Quebec Street to parking lot located behind Adas Israel Congregation.

Via Metro

The congregation is conveniently located 2 blocks north of the Cleveland Park Metro Station, which is on the Red Line. Exit on the east side of Connecticut Avenue.

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Detailed Map of Immediate Area, including our location

Directions to Adas Israel Cemeteries


Adas Israel Cemetery

1400 Alabama Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20032

Open by appointment only.
Please call the synagogue office at (202) 362-4433, ext. 144 to arrange.

Special hours, 10:00 am–2:00 pm on Mother's Day, Father's Day, and the Sunday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Driving Directions to Adas Israel Cemetery

  1. Connecticut Ave. South to Woodley Rd intersection
  2. Bear right after Woodley Rd on 24th St. (at the CVS)
  3. Take 24th down onto Rock Creek Parkway
  4. Follow Rock Creek Parkway across Virginia Avenue. Stay in the left lane, passing Watergate and the Kennedy Center.
  5. Just past the Kennedy Center, the road divides into a Y. Take the left fork. Follow the road as it curves around, first left, then right, then following along the river, then left again
  6. Follow the Parkway as it becomes Independence Avenue. Do not go toward the memorials
  7. Continue past grass and polo fields. Pass the Washington Monument on the left and cross a small bridge over the Tidal Basin.
  8. Just past the bridge the road forks. Stay to the right, then get in the middle lane towards Maine Avenue. Do not go to the Jefferson Memorial. Continue straight onto Maine Avenue.
  9. Follow Maine Avenue, which becomes M Street. After Half Street, move right and take the ramp to the South Capitol Street Bridge.
  10. Cross the bridge and turn left onto Suitland Parkway (1.5 miles).
  11. Turn right onto Stanton Road (1/2 mile)
  12. Turn right on Alabama Avenue (.4 miles).
  13. Turn right into the cemetery.

METRO Directions to Adas Israel Cemetery

Metro: Congress Heights (map by StationMasters®)

  • Take the Green Line, exiting at Congress Heights
  • Exit station using main exit
  • Walk approximately 2 blocks E on Alabama Ave SE
  • Get door to door directions using Metro's Ride Guide. Visit

Judean Memorial Gardens

Adas Israel Section
16225 Batchellors Forest Road
Olney, MD 20832

Phone: (301) 384-1000
Call for cemetery hours

Directions to Judean Memorial Gardens (Adas Israel Section)

16225 Batchellors Forest Road, Olney, Maryland
(301) 384-1000

Go North on Connecticut Avenue (Rte 185)

Turn Left on to Georgia Ave North (Rte 97) when it crosses Conn. Ave.

Pass Leisure World on your right – big copper globe

Cross next big intersection which is Rte 28 – Norbeck Road

Make next right on to Batchellors Forest Road and first right into Judean Memorial Gardens

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785