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Everyone is welcome at Adas Israel Congregation.

We strive to be a fully inclusive community.  and to remove all barriers to participation. We
define Inclusion as a core Jewish value and make every effort to accommodate everyone. Below
are examples of ways that we accommodate many different types of requests.  

Please email to request accommodations for any of our programs, services, or events.

Adas Israel Library

Adas Israel's congregational library includes a wide range of books for children and adults relating to the topics of diversity, disability, and inclusion.  To search for a specific book within the library catalog go to  Feel free to contact Robin Jacobson ( with questions or suggestions for books to be added to the library. 

Inclusion Celebration Month

Shabbat Service, February 4, 2023 at 9:30am | Click to Join Live

This February, Adas Israel will mark Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month with events that highlight the value of inclusion in our community.  On Shabbat Beshalach, Feb 4th, the members of the disability justice team will be honored to celebrate their work on behalf of the Adas community. Our special guest speaker will be Noa Holtzblatt. Please email if you need any accommodations. The service will have ASL interpretation.

Adas Job Matching Program for Individuals with Disabilities: A New Initiative from the Inclusion Task Force

Wednesday, February 8 at 7pm | Click Here To Register

The inclusion task force is excited to announce the creation of a new working group under the leadership of Debby Joseph whose goal is to match Adas members who are employers seeking to hire with Adas members who are people with disabilities seeking employment. The unemployment rate in the disability community has remained constant for nearly 30 years. Many people with disabilities want to work but face many barriers to finding and holding a job. As a congregation, we know we have members who are employers seeking new hires and people with disabilities seeking meaningful employment. Please join us at our first informational session, open to Adas members who are employers, hiring managers and supervisors to learn more about this effort.


Parking & Metro information
We are located 1.5 blocks north of the Cleveland Park metro station on the same side of Connecticut Avenue as the station elevator. There are 3 reserved spots in our parking lot for cars with the handicap placard. If you would like to reserve parking without having a placard, please email

Live streaming & Dial-In

M​​​​​any people who are unable to travel to Adas Israel for programs or services participate via live-streaming. Please see for current livestreams or for an archive of recordings. To dial in and listen to services in the Smith Sanctuary over the telephone, call 202-686-8405. There are a limited number of phone lines available, so it’s best to call before the service begins.

Interpretation & Assistive Devices

Hearing loops are available at the front desk and are located outside of each service location.
ASL Interpretation or captioning is provided upon request for any service or event. Please email inclusion@ at least 48 hours in advance. In every service, we have large print copies of the Lev Shalem
siddur for Shabbat and holidays and the Lev Shalem Machzor for High Holidays. We also have a Braille set of
the Sim Shalom Siddur. Please ask an usher for help in finding these books.

Food Allergy Information 
Please email our Food and Beverage Events Manager, with questions about specific allergens. 

Prayer & Program Spaces

The Charles E. Smith Sanctuary has several features to accommodate our community:
Ramps go up to the Bimah on both sides. People in wheelchairs can sit in several aisle locations around the
sanctuary. There are bookstands in the cutouts. There is an elevator to/from the sanctuary from other levels.
The Amud (lectern) on the Bimah can be lowered and raised.

General Building Accessibility Information:
The Quebec Avenue sidewalk in front of the building was repaved in 2016. There is a curb cut in front of the
Quebec Street entrance. Elevators and ramps connect all the rooms in the building. The Biran Beit Midrash and
the lobby restrooms have automatic doors. Mezuzot are at two different heights on all main-level doors.

LGBTQ Inclusion

Everyone is welcome here. Full stop.  There is an all-gender restroom on the main floor which is wheelchair accessible. Additionally, there is an all-gender restroom on the third floor which is not wheelchair accessible.

Flexible Dues

Finances aren’t an obstacle to joining Adas Israel Congregation. Please contact to have a confidential conversation about joining our community.

Low Sensory Accommodations

A Quiet Room can be opened on request by an Adas staff person. There is a basket of noise cancelling headphones in various sizes at the front desk.


Every body is welcome at the Adas Israel Community Mikvah. The preparation room has been recently remodeled and now meets/exceeds ADA standards. An Aquatic Lift is available on request by emailing at least 24 hours in advance of a Mikvah appointment.

Job Training Programs

We have a partnership with Outcomes Service to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities.  Additionally, we purchase sweets for many of our weekly programs from Sunflower Bakery, a training school for bakers with learning differences.

Gan HaYeled Preschool

Our preschool employs a Full Time Developmental Support Coordinator with specialties in Early Detection, Early Intervention and Best Practices in Inclusion.  The preschool has a dedicated Sensory Space to accommodate student needs for self-regulation, maintains a full inventory of assistive technology to support individual student needs,  and collaborates with on-site Speech/Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Behavioral Therapy practices.  A professional staff member administers a bi-annual developmental checklist to monitor children's development.

Religious School

Our educational programs take a collaborative approach with families around individualized classroom needs.  Our Assistant Director participated in the 2017-2018 Matan Institute for Education Directors.  Students have access to noise canceling headphones and other technologies and techniques are employed to support individual needs of each student.  Additionally, students learn Hebrew in small learning groups in grades 3-6 with individual support as needed.  

Community Awareness

Adas Israel Congregation celebrates Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month every year in February, in addition to inclusion-themed programs throughout the year.  Our clergy and leadership participate in the annual Jewish Disability Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.  We are a founding member of the USCJ-Ruderman Family Foundation Inclusion Action Community.  Our Inclusion Task Force meets regularly. To get involved, send an email to

Please email to request accommodations for any of our programs, services, or events.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785