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Throughout David’s tenure at Adas, growing our endowment has been a central and publicly celebrated component of our mission and strategy, as we sought to build Adas into all it has become today. It’s been a remarkable success, and in David’s honor, we ask that you join us in continuing that sacred work together this year.

 Click Here to Make Your Pledge 

Dear Friends,

For the past ten years, David Polonsky has served Adas Israel in so many foundational ways. The breath and significance of his accomplishments have been extraordinary, if not magical.

Having led large marketing departments for the Kennedy Center and Arena Stage, a still (very) young David joined Team Adas as Director of Marketing & Communications when we as a community sought to re-envision our future and reach beyond Adas to more and more people in the Metro area. David built the clergy’s insight into a marketing vision of engagement that attracted many new community members to our synagogue, energized our offerings, and enriched our lives.

Just eighteen months after David joined the team, we found ourselves with an immediate need for a temporary Executive Director. Our President turned to our Facilities Director. With infallible wisdom she agreed to bridge the gap but only if David would team with her while the search committee set to work. After an exacting search process and to the surprise of the search committee it became apparent that the best Executive Director candidate was right under our eyes. At 27 years old, David was selected as Executive Director and nothing has been the same since.

The marvelous evolution of Adas Israel we have all experienced is a direct reflection of our brilliant and loving clergy, committed lay leadership, a generous Congregation and at every step of the way, in most every decision and execution, David.

David’s work has been nothing short of amazing. David heightened the Jewish experience at Adas Israel with exciting design and vivid color, whether in visual materials or lights and sounds at our events.

David’s contribution has come by hard work and relentless digging into details. He methodically built a cohesive in-house support team. He melded budgeting together with an endowment strategy that contributed mightily to doubling the endowment during his years. He is a trusted coach to the Board of Directors, officers and committees.  He has never dodged the hard decisions.

David infuses Yiddishkeit into all he does. To each task, to all he touches, David brings Torah.  To each relationship he brings warmth and presence.  And to every decision he brings compassion.  It is only natural for David to comfort the bereaved, to visit the sick, to spend time with the elderly.  David is a mensch with big hugs and smiles for all.

So, how should we honor David as we wish him well on his next remarkable adventure? As David’s contributions are lasting and
will pay dividends year after year, we thought the answer simple – Let’s grow the endowment in his honor:

Our Goal: $2 Million Pledged By June 30, 2021
Pledged To Date: $1.4 Million So Far!

Enlarging our endowment has always been a core goal of David’s for Adas Israel. It was the surest path he saw to our continuing success, and time has proven that vision wise.  Achieving this goal would establish his legacy and confirm that we value all his leadership, creativity, Yiddishkeit, friendship, diligence and beautiful Neshama.

You will notice that the team sponsoring this effort are our most recent Presidents and Trustees during his tenure.

David’s goal in 2021 was to add $2 Million to the endowment. How close can we come to reaching it? That depends on you, each in your own way. We are off to a good start with lead gifts already pledged equal to $1.4 Million. With your help, we hope to hit our $2 Million target soon. We will celebrate the conclusion of our efforts and report to David and to you at our annual meeting in June.

To contribute to this campaign, please click here. Any gift over $1,500 may be made in equal payments over 5 years. Also feel free to email the committee at



Herlene Nagler and Arnie Podgorsky

Herlene Nagler and Arnie Podgorsky

Presidents During David's Tenure
Laurie Aladjem, Current President
Janice Mostow, President Elect
Ricki Gerger
Arnie Podgorsky
Debby Joseph

Trustees During David's Tenure
Melanie Nussdorf
Herlene Nagler
Bo Kirsch
Leah Chanin
David Bickart
Brian Schwalb
Jeffery Yablon

 Click Here to Make Your Pledge 


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784