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TEM Shacharit Recordings by Michael Leifman

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p 168 Hotza_at HaTorah

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p 167 Kaddish Shalem

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p 161 Kedusha with Mimkomcha options and l_dor vador melody

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p 161 Kedusha - an intro editorial and nusach only

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p 163 v_Lo Netato through Mekadesh HaShabbat

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p 165 Sim Shalom tune #5

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p 163-164 R_tzei through v_Al Kulam

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p 162 Yismach Moshe and v_Shamru

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p 165 birkat kohanim and sim shalom

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p 165 Sim Shalom tune #4

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p 165 Sim Shalom tune #3

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p 155 - 158 Shma through Mi Chamocha

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p 165 Sim Shalom tune #2

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p 165 Sim Shalom tune #1

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p 161 Kedusha- Daniel Wallach - Lincoln_s kedusha

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p 160 Ata Gibor through Mechaye HaMeitem - multiple meChalkel melodies

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p 161 Kedusha- Daniel Wallach - Into the West Tune

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p 161 Kedusha- Daniel Wallach - Eilecha Tune

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p 161 Kedusha - Mimkomcha - Bill Liss-Levenson tune #3 - to l_Yerushalayim Ircha

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p 161 Kedusha - Mimkomcha - Bill Liss-Levenson tune #2

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p 161 Kedusha - Mimkomcha - Bill Liss-Levenson tune #4 - to_Yerushalayim Shel Zhav

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p 161 Kedusha- Daniel Wallach - Ale Brider niggun

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p 152 - 153 La_El asher shavat through Ohr Chadash

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p 161 Kedusha - Mimkomcha - Bill Liss-Levenson tune #1

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p 161 Kedusha - Mimkomcha - Deena Fox - Eilecha Tune

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p 154 Ahava Raba

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p 159 - 160 Beginning of Amida through Magen Avraham U_foked Sarah

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p 151 El Adon tune #4

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p 148 Yishtabach and Hatzi Kaddish

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p 161 Kedusha - Daniel Wallach - traditional tune

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p 161 Kedusha - Daniel Wallach - Sanctuary tune

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p 161 Kedusha - Daniel Wallach - Od Yishama melody

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p 161 Kedusha - Daniel Wallach - alternative tune

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p 147 Shochein Ad through Avdecha Mishichecha

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p 149 - 150 Barchu through Ain K_Erkecha

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p 151 El Adon tune #1 including intro

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p 151 El Adon tune #3

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p 151 El Adon tune #2

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Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785