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Gan HaYeled Preschool
We are: Reggio-Inspired. Joyfully Jewish. Inclusive. Antiracist. 
We offer: Full-Day Programs (8:30am - 5:50pm) and Part-Day Programs


Current Gan Families: Click Here to Re-Enroll for 2025-26!

NEW Gan Families: Click Here to Enroll for 2025-26!

A full timeline of admissions information is available below, including on-site tours and virtual information sessions. 

2025-2026 Admission Information and Timeline
2025-2026 Tour and Information Session Registration
2025-2026 Preschool Open/Close Calendar
2025-2026 Tuition Link

2024-2025 Tuition Link
2024-2025 Preschool Open/Close Calendar
2024-2025 Preschool Grid Calendar

Let us know you’re interested: Submit a Preschool Inquiry Form if you are interested in enrollment, to learn more about other programs at the Gan, or to be added to our Admissions & Enrollment Distribution List. Mid-year spots available for January 2025.

Gan preschool runs 12 months a year, 8:30am-5:50pm. We host full-day (5pm pickup), year-round classrooms for children 12 months and up and part-day, Sept-June classrooms for children 24 months and up. Afterschool (5-5:50pm) is also available.


School Video

School Video 

Take a peek at our school video to get to know more about life at the Gan. Our students enjoy weekly hikes in Rock Creek, warm, nurturing teachers, a play-based curriculum, and a joyfully Jewish atmosphere. We think you’ll love it here! 

Noah's Notes

Noah's Notes Archive​​​​​​

Our school director writes a weekly Note to the community, covering topics such as pedagogy & curriculum, child development, Jewish learning, parenting & families, and more. Read along as a current parent, or take a peek as a prospective parent to learn more about our school’s approach to these topics.

Gan Spaces

Take a tour of our spaces here.

Spaces matter. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, we understand the physical environment to be the "third teacher," after the child's parents and classroom teachers. The physical setting of preschool establishes the foundation for our educational approach and community's values. Our school spaces are intentionally designed to bring nature indoors and bring students outdoors. Our materials are curated to offer children novel stimuli throughout their day, promoting curiosity and whimsy. We use space to promote collaboration and reflection, intimacy and connection. 

Parent Portal 

Click Here For the Parent Portal 

The parent portal is for families currently enrolled in Gan HaYeled Preschool. Please be sure you are logged in to your Adas account to access the parent portal. Parent Portal includes resources such as Parent  Handbook, Family Directory, registrations, and health forms

Celebrating 50 Years of Gan HaYeled 

50th Anniversary Video

For 50 years, the Gan has opened each morning to the smiles and hugs of children, families, and teachers. Each year, as the memories and stories accrue, depth and gravity are stitched to those moments of warmth. A morning hug is mirrored by the countless morning hugs that came before; Shabbat sing is codified over the decades as the guiding force in thousands of families’ Jewish journey. Our smiles and our celebrations at the Gan are never just ours. They are part of the fabric of our family. What a blessing to be a part of this family.

Find Us On Instagram

Click Here To Follow Us!

EDUCATORS: Join Our Team at the Gan!

Gan HaYeled Job Application Form 

We are hiring part time and full time classroom educators for immediate or delayed start. Please complete the form above if you are interested in working in the Gan.

School Overview

Jewish Values

At Gan HaYeled, Judaism is the fabric of our community. Our Jewish identity - our stories, cycle of the year, culinary traditions, rituals, and more - offer a rich landscape on which we explore, learn, play, and live. Our classrooms celebrate and learn about Jewish holidays and ritual practices, using these as meaningful launching points for deeper curricular extension. Sukkot celebrations may turn into explorations about different forms of housing; the Passover saga may lead us into other stories of justice and power. Throughout these celebrations and studies, we embrace and explore not only the ritual elements but also the values implicit with our stories. Our Jewish values help us understand how to treat ourselves and others and how to care for our world. Our Jewish values are found in our recycling and composting, in how we greet visitors into our classroom, and in how we care for class pets. Our goal is to provide a warm atmosphere in which positive Jewish experiences occur for our children and their families every day.

Inclusive School & Developmental Support

The Gan has a rich history of recognizing the value of inclusion and is committed to providing a quality early childhood education for all children. Recognizing the individual strengths of each child and applying those strengths to areas that need support sometimes requires clinical collaboration.  We are able to foster this developmental need by staffing a multidisciplinary team who can assess and coordinate services to accommodate our students in their typical day-to-day routines, resulting in a truly inclusive community.  

Multidisciplinary Team: Young children are developing quickly, with four developmental domains expanding independently and concurrently.  Physical, language, cognitive, and social/emotional development progress considerably during the early childhood years.  Our multidisciplinary (developmental support) team, made up of a social worker, special educator, speech/language pathologist and occupational therapist can effectively support their individual area of expertise while collaborating with the team to be sure treatment goals are aligned and consistent.

Classroom Support & Intervention: We recognize that every child learns at a different pace, and shines in his or her own way. The ultimate goal is for every student to fully engage in the classroom experience.  Our developmental support team can help facilitate differentiated learning and environmental modifications when necessary and work with faculty and families on cultivating skills expected. 

Clinical Oversight: For children receiving therapeutic services while in school, the developmental support team will oversee and provide ongoing recommendations for a streamlined practice and optimal outcomes.

Support Service Coordination: Relationships are critical in any work with young children.  The Gan understands that children may already have established connections to therapists before entering our program.  We welcome therapists into the school so relationships can be maintained and support can be provided in the child’s natural environment.  We all share the same goal, optimizing the child’s experience while supporting their development.


The Gan HaYeled Enrichment Program brings additional activities and experiences to Gan students outside of Gan classroom hours.  From yoga to soccer, painting, and hiking, Gan Enrichment activities inspire and excite our students.  Specific enrichment offerings are based on the seasons and the evolving interests of Gan students.

Typical School Day

Each Gan day begins by welcoming students through gathering, song, ritual, and communal connection.  Over the course of any given morning, Gan students play outside, hear stories, build and create, engage with a variety of artistic media, have a nourishing snack, and, most importantly, play!  Children collaborate with their peers and teachers, testing hypotheses and constructing knowledge.  Jewish rituals, songs, and values are also part of everyday life in the Gan.  Following lunch, children in the Gan part day program go home, while children in the full day program settle in for nap or quiet time.  Following nap or quiet time, children have a second snack and a chance to conclude their day through goodbye rituals with their teachers and classmates.

Gan Parents Association

The Gan Parents Association (GPA) is a community building organization, and all GAN parents are members. Throughout the year, the GPA hosts events to foster a sense of community, encourages parent participation in classrooms, shows appreciation for the teachers and administrators, and promote a joyfully jewish atmosphere. If you have any questions about or for the GPA, please feel free to email

Educational Approach

We embrace the joy, power, and growth present in early childhood.

A child can be gleefully giggling with a friend in one moment and, in the next, passionately advocating for fairness; both represent meaningful moments of expression and learning. We see children for their present qualities as well as their learning potential: for the joy in their whimsical play, for the power in their transformative activism, and the growth that runs through it all.

Our educational approach recognizes children for who they are, now, while supporting them as they stretch, explore, and develop:

JoyChildren are never “just playing” - they are making friends, learning about themselves, and sowing the seeds of academic development. Play is the secret sauce of a child’s life and of our classrooms, the intrinsic motivation needed to pull us all forward in the name of curiosity, growth, and development. A progressive, play-based classroom provides our students the ingredients necessary for joyful growth. Interested in why we focus on play? Explore here for pediatric research on play and here for how play-based classrooms promote learning.

Power In children’s tense negotiations, feverish standoffs, and emotional proclamations, they are showing us their power in the world. They are telling us, “I matter.” Children’s agency - their mattering - is found as they say “no,” take a stand, or refashion the world to suit their agenda. We see this mattering as a crucial component of a healthy and passionate childhood. Inspired by the educational practices of Reggio Emilia, we hold a reverential view of the child-as-citizen and embrace the child’s voice as a lead protagonist in establishing our classroom communities each year. Children’s passions, interests, questions, and ideas come to shape our classrooms, curricula, and community-identity. Interested in what “Reggio-inspired” means? Explore here and here for historical and theoretical overviews.

GrowthChildren are born curious and are already learning before we are teaching. Young children are scientists, accumulating data and building theories about their world. Our educational approach acknowledges and builds on the cognitive capacities of young children by supporting their exploration of the tactile and conceptual challenges of daily classroom life: How to build a bridge out of blocks? How to use a paintbrush? How to read a story? How to make a friend? We intentionally support children’s learning by inserting developmentally appropriate learning opportunities along the way. This ensures that children are engaged in pre-academics (i.e., writing, reading, math) and conceptual knowledge (i.e., patterns, opposites) throughout their explorations. Interested in how young children learn? Explore how they construct theories and knowledge through tactile exploration and social dialogue.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785